Our School

Our mission statement is 'Aspire' and our vision is simple: we want all of our community to aspire to be the best they can be - to be learners, to be leaders and to be happy.  We believe that children learn best in a positive, encouraging, safe and secure environment.  In May 2024, OFSTED recognised all aspects of the school's work to be Outstanding, with no identified areas for improvement. We are a GOLD Rights Respecting School and our school values reflect this: we are Respectful, Caring, Curious and Cooperative.

Our school works as a team in which parents, children, staff and governors are all involved in the education of our children. The dedication and commitment of the staff, both teaching and non-teaching, and the enthusiasm of the pupils for their school is apparent on stepping through our doors.

We want to share with you the richness of the opportunities available to pupils at Ash Grove Academy, the dynamic nature of the learning experience, and the extraordinary breadth of our individual programmes.  For our pupils, Ash Grove is not just a school, but a real community of enthusiastic learners who experience exciting opportunities throughout their time with us.  We help and encourage our pupils to be knowledgeable, thoughtful, and to speak their minds, because we want them to have the confidence and the skills to make their way in the world when they leave us.

Whilst this website provides a lot of interesting information, it is no substitute for a visit to our school.  We welcome you to talk with our pupils and the staff, to walk around our exceptional school, and to get a feeling for what it would be like to be a member of the community at Ash Grove Academy. 

We hope to see you soon!

Sally Veale


Sally Veale