
Timestables are important for children to learn. Having secure knowledge of their timestables will enable children to become more confident in various areas of their learning, particularly multiplication and division, as well as fractions and percentages.

Ways to practise

To increase their recall speed and fluency of multiplication facts, children may practise their times tables at home. They could:

- Chant forwards and backwards in each times table 

- Find missing multiples (they could be removed from a number line/grid). You could use https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/paint-the-squares

- There are lots of times tables songs on the BBC teach website the children could learn. Use this link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/times-table-collection/z4vv6v4. Alternatively, a similar one can be found below:

- Play multiplication games to increase their recall speed - see a list of resources below




